Wednesday, January 8, 2014

January 8, 2014

Today in Human geo, we didn't really do much. We sat down in our seats and talked as Mr. Schick took attendance. When he was taking attendance, Charlotte walked in to say hi to us. I sat in my seat in silence (as usual) the whole class as we took notes off the powerpoint. We had a short class, so we had to write down notes quickly, but we would still get sidetracked by the amount of questions we asked him. I was actually really interested in what we learning today, even if it looked like I wasn't.

Monday, January 6, 2014

January 6, 2014

Today, in human geo, we learned something new. But before we started taking notes on the new topic, we got to see part of our exam scores. Mine wasn't terrible, but Mr. Schick said my essay was very good and it will definitely raise up my grade. Once everyone came in and saw the scores, we took notes on the powerpoint Mr. Schick put on the board, and continued on until our shorter class was over.