Saturday, August 31, 2013

Deinfitions for Human Geography :)

Agora- ancient Greek city-states central spots

ArĂȘte- in its simplest meaning, charm of any kind

Polis- the definition of ‘city’ in Greek

The year of 508 BC- Athenian democracy in Athens was released in 508 BC

Socrates- Greek Athenian philosopher

The death of Socrates- Socrates was ultimately sentenced to death by inhaling a hemlock-type liquid

The Socratic method- is a type of inquiry and speech between individuals, based on answering and asking questions to stimulate critical thinking and to brighten up ideas

What the ancient greeks meant if they called you ‘idiot’- If ancient greeks called you an idiot it was because you didn’t have much interest in politics or voting and it meant ‘private person’


My Successful Freshman Year in 5 Specific Ways

1.      Get good grades. I need to study hard and finish all my homework and turn it in on time.

2.      Make friends. School is extremely important, but you need friends to make it through the year!

3.      Participate in all classes. I need to try to answer questions the teacher asks and ask any necessary questions.

4.      Turn in all homework assignments on time. I need to do my homework right when I get home from school.

5.      Concentrate on school first. School comes before any activities including sports and hanging out with friends.



August 30, 2013

On Friday in Human Geography, Mr. Schick ranted. He ranted on behalf of a man named Elbert Hubbard. Elbert Hubbard wrote the story A Message To Garcia over one-hundred years ago. He ranted about people who aren't very hard workers, but also talked some about people who are and how they much more they are appreciated. Mr. Schick also gave us some notes that we had to write down in our composition books, and we then moved on with everything else. For the rest of our class time, we were talking about what homework assignments we have over the weekend. He gave us our homework assignments, which are due Saturday at Midnight and Tuesday before class starts. Mr. Schick also told us that the link to A Message To Garcia, if we wish to read it, can be found on his Blogger under the section named “Links That Don’t Stink”.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

August 28, 2013

Today in Human Geography, we first took attendance so Mr. Schick could try and learn our names. He use dour names or any nicknames that we wanted him to call us. We then talked about the homework that was due. We had to create a gmail account, make our blogger account, and then add our first blog about how our first day at JC went. We then had to send the URL to Mr. Schick through email. Mr. Schick pulled up his blogger and projected it on the screen. He then showed us a list of names and that was the list of names who sent the URL to Mr. Schick’s email correctly, with the right link and to the right email. Toward the end of class, Mr. Schick told everyone whose name wasn’t up there that they had could try to resend the URL and fix what they messed up. I had a good time in our first class with Mr. Schick and I’m looking forward to spend the rest of the year with him.

Monday, August 26, 2013

My First Day At John Carroll

My first day at John Carroll was very nerve wracking. I was worried about everything. When I first got here, I was so nervous that I was actually shaking. As the day went on, I felt a lot of pressure being lifted off my shoulders, but I was still very nervous. Opening my locker was easy, getting my books together was easy, but I felt very lost when trying to find my next classroom. I knew, though, that if I needed to, I could ask one of my fellow classmates for help, or even an upperclassmen if needed. Walking into Human Geography, I was greeted very nicely by our substitute. I felt slightly scared knowing that this was high school, and the classes would be a lot harder than any middle school classes. I did, though, know that I had many other freshmen's that are feeling the same way as I am. The day may have been nerve wracking, but I still had a great time meeting new people, teachers, and being reunited with my other friends.