Saturday, August 31, 2013

Deinfitions for Human Geography :)

Agora- ancient Greek city-states central spots

Arête- in its simplest meaning, charm of any kind

Polis- the definition of ‘city’ in Greek

The year of 508 BC- Athenian democracy in Athens was released in 508 BC

Socrates- Greek Athenian philosopher

The death of Socrates- Socrates was ultimately sentenced to death by inhaling a hemlock-type liquid

The Socratic method- is a type of inquiry and speech between individuals, based on answering and asking questions to stimulate critical thinking and to brighten up ideas

What the ancient greeks meant if they called you ‘idiot’- If ancient greeks called you an idiot it was because you didn’t have much interest in politics or voting and it meant ‘private person’


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