Monday, August 26, 2013

My First Day At John Carroll

My first day at John Carroll was very nerve wracking. I was worried about everything. When I first got here, I was so nervous that I was actually shaking. As the day went on, I felt a lot of pressure being lifted off my shoulders, but I was still very nervous. Opening my locker was easy, getting my books together was easy, but I felt very lost when trying to find my next classroom. I knew, though, that if I needed to, I could ask one of my fellow classmates for help, or even an upperclassmen if needed. Walking into Human Geography, I was greeted very nicely by our substitute. I felt slightly scared knowing that this was high school, and the classes would be a lot harder than any middle school classes. I did, though, know that I had many other freshmen's that are feeling the same way as I am. The day may have been nerve wracking, but I still had a great time meeting new people, teachers, and being reunited with my other friends.


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