Monday, November 25, 2013

November 25, 2013

This morning, human geo started with the regular chaos that happens on Monday mornings. Boring, Slow, Tired, Groggy. We had started a Google Docx and we were honestly fighting over who got to do which slide. Dylan and Laura were bantering back and forth because Laura wanted to put a picture of herself on her slide so she could "stamp" it as her slide. But, Dylan didn't want that. It started small controversy between those two and some others. Everyone else were fighting over slides and who got to do which one and what font color they got to use on their slide. It seemed like I was the only one who wasn't fighting, as I was on the Peace Corps website most of the time trying to find information for my slide. Everyone else was going out of control and it was probably the craziest class we have had all year, but yet it was probably also the most awake we have been during a Monday morning first mod class of human geography.

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