Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December 3, 2013: Friday's Test Questions!

Question 1: What is microfinance?

Microfinance is a form of financial services for entrepreneurs and small business lacking access to banking and related services.
Question 2: What are some problems faced in developing countries?

Some problems were diseases (maleria), famine, starvation, lack of supplies, drought, poor health care, poverty, electricity is weak, and pollution.

Question 3: What is a microloan?
A microloan is when a person lends a small amount of money to a developing business. Once the business is running good the lender will receive their money back.
Question 4: What are some ways microloans can help?

It allows small business owners access to insurance, the business can have positive effect on the community around them, microloans create choice, and also it provides entrepreneurs with the capital needed to operate and expand their businesses'.

Question 5: Who gets microloans?

Microloans are given to individuals that do not have access to banking services and have low income.

Question 6: What are some common uses for microloans?

Some common uses for microloans are starting up new businesses, getting products for your business, getting a little kick start on your business, machinery or equipment, furniture or fixtures, money that you can use for your business, electricity, technology, buildings, and roads and bridges.

Question 7: How do loans affect small businesses?

They may get funds, structure investments, housing, and help for the economy in small areas near by.

Question 8: How can microfinance be improved?

In order to improve microfinance, we need to think of a solution to give people a chance to have a better life. When people need money, they need a loan. This will help them escape poverty.
Question 9: What is malaria?

Malaria is a life-threatening disease transmitted by mosquitoes. It was once thought that the disease came from fetid marshes, hence the name mal-aria (bad air).

Question 10: In one year, how many people does malaria kill?

In on year, malaria kills 655,000 people. Every minute a child dies from malaria. Right now, International Medical Corps is on the ground to combat malaria and help save lives.


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