Wednesday, December 4, 2013

December 4, 2013

Today in human geo, we kinda kept it on the easy side. We went over some questions that are going to be on the test on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2013!!! We also went over the PowerPoint that he made for an extra review for the test. Before all of this, Charlotte, a junior, walked in the room and asked if she could lead prayer for the class, like she does on a regular occasion. When she left, we got back to everything that we were doing in review for the test. Jordan had then told Mr. Schick that she had made a PowerPoint and that she would like to show him so it could be shared with the class. She shared it with the class and Mr. Schick and I were laughing the whole time at the way all the words and new slides would fly in after the last slide. It was a normal Wednesday class, but everyone seemed tired and kinda sad. By the end of class, Mr. Schick told us that we could leave 'early'.. but there was only one minute left in the class.

1 comment:

  1. That was maybe the most exciting PowerPoint ever. (If any PowerPoint can be exciting...)
