Wednesday, September 18, 2013

September 18, 2013

Today in Human Geo, we had some of our class groups display their slide shows they did together. A couple of the groups went and had very good slides. They were displaying what globalization was, some of the pros of it and some of the cons, and so much more stuff. We were able to write down the things that were being said as notes, if we would like, for the test. After the 3 or 4 groups went, Mr. Schick said we didn't have enough time for anybody else's groups to go, but we would continue with them the next time we meet up. After the slide shows, we went over thing we need to know for the test. Some of the key things we need to know for the test are globalization, A Message to Garcia, ancient Greek terms and definitions, and many more things. We spent the rest of the class going over notes for the test and the structure of the test. The test we were preparing for is on Friday, September 20, 2013.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

September 17, 2013

Today in Human Geo we talked about Nike and the outrageous price of certain shoes. We talked about Nike endorsement. We talked about how outrageous the prices were. Someone had mentioned how Nike has a pair of spikes that they bought and they were $350. We talked about how outrageous the prices of shoes these days and how people buy them just because they look nice. It's probably not because of comfort, but maybe those neon green spikes looked awesome, so you NEEDED to buy them. I found that insane because there are people in Indonesia MAKING Nike shoes who can hardly afford a full day of meals.  I had mentioned, after someone mentioned the outrageous price of their spikes that I was wearing the Sperries my sister had worn freshmen year at John Carroll, and they had the bottom of the shoe coming off. The point I was trying to put across was if the shoe is still in a condition where you can walk in them, but maybe you do some mini modifications to them, wear them! They are usually comfortable then buying a new pair of shoes.


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September 11, 2013

Today in Human Geography, we started off by looking at Mr. Schick's nametag picture. Then, we talked some more about McDonalds. We didn't talk much about it, though, so that we could get onto our next topic. Mr. Schick then showed us a picture of a man in Kenya, Africa on his cell phone. We started talking about what is mandatory to have in order to use a cellphone. For instance, you need a cellphone, and you also need electricity, in case it dies, so that you can charge it. We also talked about silk and about thousands of years ago, the Chinese were the only ones who knew how o make silk. Greece was the only place you could get olive related products, such as olive oil. If you didn't live in China or Greece, and you needed silk or some type of olive products, you would order it and it would be delivered on the Silk Road, and it would take a month or longer to get delivered to you. Finally, we talked about religion. We said how if you asked, at least one person in the U.S. would be of each type of religion there is to believe in. Also, Mr. Schick told us that Christianity is the largest religion, but in a couple of years, the Muslim religion will become the most believed religion.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

September 10, 2013

Today in Human Geography, we talked about McDonalds. We talked about the many different places around the world where McDonalds have been located. Mr. Schick asked us if anyone has ever been to a McDonalds out of the country and one or two people said yes. We ended up having a couple minutes just talking about what different countries might sell at McDonalds. For example, McDonalds in Paris, France sell beer and McDonalds in Tokyo, Japan probably sell sushi. We ended up getting off topic and talking about random stories and incidents we had had a McDonalds in the past. We also were talking about the how unhealthy their food is, but yet how they are trying to make their food more healthy. For example, they are adding salads, apple slices, and juice and milk to their menu as time goes on. We also talked about how people over the years there has been a documentary about a man and his McDonalds experience called Supersize Me.


Monday, September 9, 2013

September 9, 2013

Today in Human Geography, we learned how to set up our Google Document. Mr. Schick told us we were going to split up into groups of three. We split up into groups. I was in a group with Alyssa and Angela. Angela set up the document on her computer. Mr. Schick then gave us a couple minutes to just play around and have fun on Google Documents and find out how it works. Angela, Alyssa, and I were having a lot of fun typing on it!  We then had to come up with test questions that we typed and answered on the document. Angela had to invite Alyssa and I to be able to type on the document, but she also invited Mr. Schick. So, in the middle of typing our questions, Mr. Schick had joined in and we were all just laughing because he didn’t tell us he was going to type a question! Another thing we did in class, at the beginning of class, was sing Happy Birthday to John because it is his birthday. Mr. Schick gave him the birthday hat and he wore it during the whole class!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September 3, 2013

Today in Human Geography, we started off with getting our seating arrangement correct. We then went on and talked about some things. One of the things we quickly had a two minute discussion about was how to access our PowerSchool and see our grade for Human Geography. We then had a certain student in the class help us out if we couldn’t access it. We then went over what homework we had to do that was due. We had to define certain definitions that had to do with Ancient Greek and Athens. When going over them, the same three people were the ones who answered the whole time. We didn’t finish going over the homework because we had a longer conversation about Socrates then we did the rest of the words we defined, but that took up the rest of our class. Mr. Schick then gave us our homework due tomorrow and we were able to leave.