Tuesday, September 17, 2013

September 17, 2013

Today in Human Geo we talked about Nike and the outrageous price of certain shoes. We talked about Nike endorsement. We talked about how outrageous the prices were. Someone had mentioned how Nike has a pair of spikes that they bought and they were $350. We talked about how outrageous the prices of shoes these days and how people buy them just because they look nice. It's probably not because of comfort, but maybe those neon green spikes looked awesome, so you NEEDED to buy them. I found that insane because there are people in Indonesia MAKING Nike shoes who can hardly afford a full day of meals.  I had mentioned, after someone mentioned the outrageous price of their spikes that I was wearing the Sperries my sister had worn freshmen year at John Carroll, and they had the bottom of the shoe coming off. The point I was trying to put across was if the shoe is still in a condition where you can walk in them, but maybe you do some mini modifications to them, wear them! They are usually comfortable then buying a new pair of shoes.


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