Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September 11, 2013

Today in Human Geography, we started off by looking at Mr. Schick's nametag picture. Then, we talked some more about McDonalds. We didn't talk much about it, though, so that we could get onto our next topic. Mr. Schick then showed us a picture of a man in Kenya, Africa on his cell phone. We started talking about what is mandatory to have in order to use a cellphone. For instance, you need a cellphone, and you also need electricity, in case it dies, so that you can charge it. We also talked about silk and about thousands of years ago, the Chinese were the only ones who knew how o make silk. Greece was the only place you could get olive related products, such as olive oil. If you didn't live in China or Greece, and you needed silk or some type of olive products, you would order it and it would be delivered on the Silk Road, and it would take a month or longer to get delivered to you. Finally, we talked about religion. We said how if you asked, at least one person in the U.S. would be of each type of religion there is to believe in. Also, Mr. Schick told us that Christianity is the largest religion, but in a couple of years, the Muslim religion will become the most believed religion.

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