Tuesday, September 10, 2013

September 10, 2013

Today in Human Geography, we talked about McDonalds. We talked about the many different places around the world where McDonalds have been located. Mr. Schick asked us if anyone has ever been to a McDonalds out of the country and one or two people said yes. We ended up having a couple minutes just talking about what different countries might sell at McDonalds. For example, McDonalds in Paris, France sell beer and McDonalds in Tokyo, Japan probably sell sushi. We ended up getting off topic and talking about random stories and incidents we had had a McDonalds in the past. We also were talking about the how unhealthy their food is, but yet how they are trying to make their food more healthy. For example, they are adding salads, apple slices, and juice and milk to their menu as time goes on. We also talked about how people over the years there has been a documentary about a man and his McDonalds experience called Supersize Me.


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