Monday, September 9, 2013

September 9, 2013

Today in Human Geography, we learned how to set up our Google Document. Mr. Schick told us we were going to split up into groups of three. We split up into groups. I was in a group with Alyssa and Angela. Angela set up the document on her computer. Mr. Schick then gave us a couple minutes to just play around and have fun on Google Documents and find out how it works. Angela, Alyssa, and I were having a lot of fun typing on it!  We then had to come up with test questions that we typed and answered on the document. Angela had to invite Alyssa and I to be able to type on the document, but she also invited Mr. Schick. So, in the middle of typing our questions, Mr. Schick had joined in and we were all just laughing because he didn’t tell us he was going to type a question! Another thing we did in class, at the beginning of class, was sing Happy Birthday to John because it is his birthday. Mr. Schick gave him the birthday hat and he wore it during the whole class!

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