Wednesday, September 18, 2013

September 18, 2013

Today in Human Geo, we had some of our class groups display their slide shows they did together. A couple of the groups went and had very good slides. They were displaying what globalization was, some of the pros of it and some of the cons, and so much more stuff. We were able to write down the things that were being said as notes, if we would like, for the test. After the 3 or 4 groups went, Mr. Schick said we didn't have enough time for anybody else's groups to go, but we would continue with them the next time we meet up. After the slide shows, we went over thing we need to know for the test. Some of the key things we need to know for the test are globalization, A Message to Garcia, ancient Greek terms and definitions, and many more things. We spent the rest of the class going over notes for the test and the structure of the test. The test we were preparing for is on Friday, September 20, 2013.

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